Lizzie from Little Kitchen Magicians took our eggs on tour to Pennoweth Primary School, talking to the children about the importance of breakfast and how great eggs are. Then together they made her Eggy Bread we share this with you as an easy to follow recipe to do with your children. Enjoy!
  • Serves: 6



  1. Before cooking, wash your hands and put on an apron.
  2. Carefully cut the slices of bread into quarters.
  3. Crack the eggs into the bowl (making sure no egg shell falls into the bowl). Mix the eggs together with a fork.
  4. Add the cinnamon to the bowl.
  5. Add the milk to the bowl. Then mix together.
  6. Place the bread into the bowl. Ensure the egg covers the bread all over.
  7. Spray the frying pan with the oil spray and add a cube of butter.
  8. NOW YOU WILL NEED TO ASK AN ADULT FOR HELP! Melt the butter on the hob. Then, place eggy bread onto the frying pan. Cook the eggy bread on a low heat. It will take around 4 minutes to cook on one side. Then, carefully, turn the bread over and cook for another 4 minutes (or until cooked and golden).
  9. Once cooked, carefully remove the bread from the pan.